Economic Workforce Development
SMPDD offers technical assistance to counties and cities in support of their individual economic development initiatives. SMPDD’s project coordinators can assist communities with site selection responses, leveraging of financial resources and general strategic planning.
The Twin Districts Workforce Development Area Board of Directors and the Local Elected Officials Board Minutes are available upon request.
Southern Mississippi Planning & Development District’s (SMPDD) Economic Workforce Development strives to:
Pursue and encourage a greater voluntary regional collaboration with a focus on partnerships in economic and community development - a connected, integrated, and sustainable approach to regional economic development that builds upon our region’s strengths.
Support and enhance physical infrastructure upgrades and improvements, including water, sewer, natural gas, electricity, broadband, and others identified by economic development partners.
Acknowledge the essential nature of the ongoing need for a highly-skilled, educated pipeline of talent and workforce development programs.
Empower local governments, civic organizations, and educational institutions to partner and seek creative solutions to build more viable, livable, and resilient communities with an improved quality of life for their citizens by supporting new and established economic development programs.
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Plan gets an annual update and a complete overhaul every five years. To assist in the formulation of the economic development strategy every five years, SMPDD conducts a regional analysis and collects information, demographics, and other data points to assess the current economic situation in the SMPDD region. The focus is on assets, resources, projects completed or in progress, and planned activities that would impact the economic well-being of the SMPDD communities. It is also essential to identify key trends, innovative, future-focused initiatives, and the region's competitive advantage to find synergies, opportunities, and programs that would strengthen the economy and make the area more resilient and prepared for potential natural or manufactured disasters.